May 15, 2020
Royal Commercial Real Estate LLC is open for business and agents are available to assist you with your commercial real estate sales, purchase and leasing needs. Please see our full Covid 19 statement below for details:
In light of the Governor of the State Arizona’s decision to let the Stay at Home order lapse on May 15, 2020, the management of Royal Commercial Real Estate LLC felt it was time to update our clients and partners and the public as to our operational procedures going forward. We know you have been inundated by Covid 19/Corona Virus policy statements from everyone from the national entities all the way to the local burger stop.
We debated as to whether or not to add to the confusion and trend here, but in the end we wanted to assure our clients and partners that yes, we are very much in business and available for consultation advice and property transactions as it relates to commercial real estate.
Our main office in Mesa is open by appointment and is staffed at this point in time but we are happy to work around whatever arrangements you feel are necessary to ensure your health and safety. We are monitoring safety updates and recommendations from the State and local health authorities including the CDC and the Arizona Department of Health Services. The virus status and the responses to it are definitely moving targets but we are following the guidelines as they are updated.
Our agents will continue to work in the field with qualified prospects to show space and properties for sale but operating within the social distancing guidelines and hygiene procedures. Many of our providers are now using Docusign and other remote methodology to minimize in person document transactions. We are using, like many others, teleconferencing technology like Zoom and Teams. If you would prefer to use that to contact our agents, that can be easily arranged.
In conclusion, we will continue to service our client base and happily work with new clients and inquiries with the professionalism and dedication you have come to expect. The current national health situation is taken very seriously by our staff and agents, and we will get through this national event without compromising the quality of service you have some to expect.